Breast Cancer Pain

Breast cancer pain can last for many years. A survey shows that nearly half of the breast cancer survivors suffer from persistent pain after surgery that could last even two to three years. Nearly 60% of the 3,253 women being surveyed experience other symptoms of nerve damage, such as numbness or tenderness, according to a study of all Danish women treated for breast cancer in 2005 and 2006.

Breast cancer patient can experience pain that come from cancer pain and non-cancer pain.

Breast cancer pain may due to the following:
1. Breast tumor: occasionally the mass in the breast may hurt. Moderate to severe pain can be felt within the breast if it is an inflammatory breast cancer. These is due to cancer in the skin above the breast tumor. Pain can also be felt if the tumor has made an ulcer or sore through the skin covering the breast.

2. Metastases: The cancer that have spread into other parts of the body is called metastatic disease. These may produce pain in the involved areas. For instance, when the cancer spreads to the bone, it can cause pain in the back, hips, or other bones. Cancer that has spread to the brain may cause headaches. Severe back pain with leg weakness may be from cancer that has metastasized to the spinal cord. Patient may felt a dull back pain if the cancer spreads to the adrenal glands. If it spreads to the liver, the upper right part of the abdomen can be painful.

3. Treatment: Sometimes the treatment can makes the cancer hurt more. For instance, the commencement of hormone therapy or radiation for bone metastases may cause a burning of bone pain. This occurs because the cancer swells in reaction to treatment and places more pressure on the bone's nerve supply.

4. Breast pain: Although breast pain is typically non-cancerous, new and persistent uncomfortableness in only one breast may be of concern. This is particularly real if the pain is relapsing without any clear explanation. A breast exam, radiology studies, and possibly a biopsy may be recommended.

Pain can also come from these non-cancer sources like, surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, recovery phase, non-cancerous breast changes.

A study show that non-Caucasian patients were 2.52-times more likely than their Caucasian counterparts to experience severe pain. Other predictors for greater pain were inactive performance status and having had radiation treatment beside the race. As noticed, non-Caucasian race was also a risk factor for worsening pain during follow-up.

A research show that Acupuncture may ease breast cancer pain. Women were expected to rate the severity of their pain and its effect on daily functions, on a scale of 0 to 10. At the beginning of the study, the average pain rating was 6.7. After six weeks, the rated pain scale is on average 3.0. In addition to seeing a significant reduction in the severity of their pain, the group also discovered betterment in their overall physical well-being.

Some alternative therapies can also help improve quality of life and control pain for women with breast cancer. For example:
1. Ioining a hypnosis and psychotherapy group. Pain was scaled down significantly for women with metastatic breast cancer who combined hypnosis and therapy .

2. Learn Zen meditation. Individuals who meditate felt reduced perception of pain that can cut down the need for pain medication.

3. Join a laughter yoga group. It is utilized as a complementary way to promote wellness and cope with illness.

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